About Us

Location and background

Wellington Allotment Gardens is situated on the South side of Wellington Street in Greenock, Inverclyde, and we have c.30 plots that are of various sizes. The site extends to around 100 square meters. 

The land is in Inverclyde Council ownership whilst our association is self managed via an elected Committee. The committee has a full compliment and consists of two Officers and five other members. 

The land has been used as an allotment for around a century, being established in 1912. The ground was acquired by the Inverclyde Council as part of the "Holmscroft Street Compulsory Purchase Order" 1970 and was previously owned by the British Railways Board. Prior to this the land was almost certainly a "brown field" site and with possibly a foundry on its southern flank. 

The allotment runs adjacent to the now unused Princess Pier Railway line.  A small section of railway tunnel runs under the site to its wes.

I will add a few photo's in the next day or two when I can figure out how to download them from my wee digital camera.

A community based association

Our allotment is viewed community based in the sense that we welcome applications from community groups and so forth. To illustrate, a local primary school and a disabled group currently have plots on site whilst other community groups are on the waiting list. 

We also connect to local groups such as the Scouts and various charitable organisations such as the TRUST in Inverclyde. 

General overview

Our allotment can safely be described as a "work in progress" in the sense we have witnessed substantial improvements to the site over the last few years.  And improvements are on-going. 

The aforementioned improvements were linked to grants from several bodies such as the Inverclyde Council and the Lottery Fund among others.  The grants have been fully appreciated by all our members. 

Improvements would include a new poly-tunnel, weldmesh perimeter fencing and a prefabricated/modular building that includes toilet facilities, electricity, running water and and a few "mod cons" as per a microwave oven and kettle for members usage. The cabin is also used for meetings.  

I will provide a photo of the cabin in the near future.  

Our members take great pride in their plots and grow a wide variety of produce notwithstanding the infamous "driech" Greenock weather (where "driech" equates with dull, overcast, drizzly, cold, misty and severely miserable weather - and that's in the summer).  

Our Committee

As for the general management of the plot our Committee organize  regular plot inspections and an annual competition where the best plot wins our fine cup. I will display a photo of the cup in due course. I will also provide the background/history to it when I am certain as to the information.  

We also hold regular fund raising events and organize work parties as and when required.  

More generally, the Committee holds monthly meetings, sets the fees, organizes events and enforces the rules of the site.  



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi all
    I am so happy to have achieved a new plot, shed and greenhouse after only being in the community for such a short period.
    It's such a peaceful atmosphere amongst like minded 'potters', everyone is always amicable to offer advise and assistance. Looking forward to achieve my new plots full potential in the coming seasons, especially my tropical orientated additions to be grown in my greenhouse.
    Regards Dario.
